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Apricum Project Manager
Dr. Hendrik Kienert
Apricum is pleased to announce the promotion of Dr. Hendrik Kienert to project manager from senior consultant.
As a project manager, Hendrik Kienert will manage the consultant team, structure the workflow and ensure the delivery of the highest quality results to the client. He will continue to work on a wide variety of cleantech projects at Apricum for companies around the world.
Apricum Managing Partner Nikolai Dobrott said “Hendrik's high-level strategic thinking combined with analysis driven insights, his inquiring mind and meticulous working style are highly valued by his clients. He has always shown great initiative and is dedicated to delivering top client service and I am proud to say these are also hallmarks of the talented team we have at Apricum.”
Now in its tenth year, Apricum will make a number of new hires in 2018 as the company expands its industry focus areas and services. “It is an exciting time for us at the moment. We've assembled a strong team and it is always a good sign when we can promote from within. I congratulate Hendrik on his efforts so far and look forward to his continued contribution to Apricum’s ongoing success.” said Nikolai Dobrott.
As project manager, Hendrik will continue to work closely with Apricum’s management team, Nikolai Dobrott, Florian Haacke, Dr. Moritz Borgmann and Florian Mayr.
Dr. Hendrik Kienert works on strategy and transaction advisory projects at Apricum. He is an expert on energy storage across the full value chain – from battery materials to e-mobility and market schemes for stationary storage. Moreover, Hendrik has extensive experience in other cleantech technologies, including PV materials. Hendrik joined the Apricum team in early 2016.
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